Vijilan is a personal safety network that empowers you to protect yourself and the people and places you care about.
Connect and stay safe in Haiti - Vijilan
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Data Privacy at Vijilan

Vijilan’s mission is to keep you safe and informed.

VIjilan Privacy Practices

Our principles for protecting your data

  • We record the information we need to provide our services: Informing you of incidents happening around you, and helping you get emergency assistance when you’re in need.  
  • The personal information we do collect we store for as short a duration as possible. And, where possible, we store only de-identified or aggregate data that is not tied to you.
  • We take protecting your location data seriously. We need accurate real-time location data to alert you of any emergencies and to help you get emergency assistance, but we lower the resolution of historical location data where possible.
  • Our services are designed to provide real-time notifications of incidents occurring near you, and to help you get assistance in the case of an emergency. We can only provide those services in Haiti.

Public data

  • Content visible to any other user on the Vijilan platform is considered public data (for example, publicly posted comments and videos). You have control over public data on Vijilan tied to your account, and can delete comments and videos you have posted. Furthermore, you can delete your account from the app or email to request to delete your account.


Vijilan is not directed towards individuals under the age of 13, and Vijilan does not intentionally gather personal information about visitors who are under the age of 13. Furthermore, Vijilan does not intentionally allow visitors under the age of 18 to register for the app. If a child under 13 submits personal information to Vijilan and Vijilan learns that the personal information is the information of a child under 13, Vijilan will attempt to delete the information as soon as possible. If you believe that Vijilan might have any personal information from a child under 13, please contact Vijilan at: